Leadership in implementing the 3R Principle on animal experimentation

The 3R Principle is an international tenet for animal experimentation. We incorporated this principle into our research infrastructure as a pioneer among Japanese scientists and specified definitive institutional regulations for appropriate animal experiments based on the 3Rs. An Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee was established to review experimental protocols, inspect the rearing environment and educate researchers performing experiments. This Committee undertakes independent reviews and checks on animal experiments. In addition, CIEM took the lead in achieving animal experimentation based on the 3Rs by accurate assessments of pain categories in animal experiments and by publishing a classification of severity of pain in experimental treatment prior to other research institutions.
CIEM has established useful animal models such as the marmoset human disease model and the humanized NOG mouse, as well as experimentation techniques based on its own original designs that stress the balance between scientific rationale and animal welfare. It has created basic technology to promote human health and prosperity.

※The 3R Principle


Replacement of animals with alternative methods


Reduction of the number of animals used


Refinement of animal experiments stressing minimal pain and distress for the animals

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